COntraceptive & copper Coil fitting & replacemenT


step 1

Doctor consultation before a coil is inserted or Replaced

Both insertion & replacement services require an initial pre-procedure telephone GP appointment.

This is required to ensure that the coil is suitable for you and to ensure safe insertion during the procedure.

  • We will talk through what to expect during the procedure, along with discussing the benefits and drawbacks of the coil to ensure you can make an informed decision.

  • Dr Quinlan and Dr McKeogh can recommend an alternative to the coil if required.

  • Following the initial appointment, we can arrange the appointment for either insertion or replacement of your coil (for which there is an additional fee).

  • The cost of your chosen coil will be explained. See coil prices below.

Initial assessment for insertion or replacement of coils.

Price £105

lady on teh telephone making a call before coil fitting

Step 2

After your telephone consultation we will book your coil Procedure

A. coil insertion

  • Dr Quinlan or Dr McKeogh will explain the procedure again and take written consent to continue.

  • Local anaesthetic is given to help numb the cervix.

  • Dr Quinlan, Dr McKeogh will then perform insertion of your chosen coil in gentle manor. There is usually some mild discomfort but we will gauge this and ensure you are comfortable.

  • We recommend you take a paracetamol or ibuprofen tablet 1-2 hours before your appointment.

  • The doctors are assisted by Health Care Assistant Mrs Fegan.

  • Putting a coil in usually takes 30 minutes and you are able to drive afterwards.

First Insertion of chosen coil

Price £280 + cost of coil*

B. coil Replacement (removal & insertion)

  • During this appointment Dr Quinlan or Dr McKeogh will explain the procedure again to you and written consent taken to continue.

  • Dr Quinlan or Dr McKeogh will then remove your coil and replace it with a new coil.

  • Insertion is as per normal coil insertion and local anaesthetic is given to freeze the cervix. .

  • The doctors are assisted by Health Care Assistant Mrs Tina Fegan and we will help you feel relaxed and safe.

  • The intrauterine coil replacement usually takes 40 minutes.

The replacement of your coil

Price £355 + cost of coil*


*Please note: The cost of the coil (IUD) is NOT included in the cost of the appointment.
The coil can be provided by our clinic once the type of coil has been decided upon to suit your contraceptive needs.

Both procedures require a pre-procedure telephone consultation with the doctor.


The coil device can be provided by our clinic for an additional charge

  • Hormonal coils cost from £115 to £135 ( we cannot advertise the names of the coils, but you can email us for exact prices)


    or complete the form below.

  • Copper coil (No hormones) from £22 to £25


Who will fit or replace my coil?

These services are offered by Dr Marjorie Quinlan and Dr Rachel McKeogh who have a specialist interest in Women’s health.

Dr Quinlan and Dr McKeogh are assisted by our health care assistant Mrs Tina Fegan.

Dr Quinlan and Dr McKeogh also perform contraceptive implant insertion and removal.

All of our Gp’s can provide oral contraceptives but we do recommend seeing Dr Quinlan or Dr McKeogh given their experience and expertise in women’s health. You can book a GP appointment here.

Where is the coil located in the womb?

This picture shows how the coil- either hormonal or copper- sits within your womb. The strings should remain in the vaginal canal so that easy removal is possible.

location of the coil within your womb.

If you have any questions about fitting of coils or the replacement please contact us via this form below.

How is the coil inserted?

When we fit your coil, Dr Quinlan will be accompanied by Tina, our Healthcare Assistant.

You will be examined by the doctor in a similar process to having a smear, then local anaesthetic will be applied to your cervix to reduce any pain experienced during insertion of the coil.

The coil will then be placed into your womb. You may feel some period pain, like lower abdomen cramps when this is performed.

We recommend that your take a paracetamol 1000mg 1-2 hours before the procedure. You can take an ibuprofen 400mg after the procedure to reduce the sensation of any cramps.

Coil removal

Removal is usually straight forward but in some cases the coil strings may have moved into your womb and so a specialised procedure is required to look for the strings.

Dr Quinlan is skilled and experienced in this procedure and will talk you through it.

This increases the length of your time in the the clinic.]

In some cases we may refer you for an Ultrasound scan to confoirm that your coil is still in your womb.

In some cases the coil may have moved outside of the womb.

Further FAQ about contraceptive coils

How can I preapre for my coil fitting?

On the day of your appointment, it can be useful to take pain relief such as paracetamol (1g) or ibuprofen (400mg) about an 1-2 hours before your appointment. We also recommend you eat a meal before you attend your appointment.

When is the best time to have my coil fitted?

Coil insertion is best done towards the end of your period. This is because we can be sure you are not pregnant at this time, and also the fitting itself is more comfortable for you, as the neck of the womb is more ‘open’. If you are using condoms, a Diaphragm, natural methods or having unprotected sex you must abstain altogether from sexual intercourse between the first day of your period and the day of your fitting. This is because we need to be certain that at the time your coil is fitted, you are not in the very early stages of pregnancy.

If you are using hormonal contraception such as the pill or implant, your coil can be fitted at any convenient time, as long as you are not bleeding too heavily.

When does the coil become effective?

This depends on the type of coil you are having fitted, the stage of your cycle and any other contraceptives you might be taking. The doctor will be able to discuss this with you during your appointment.

I am having my coil replaced, is there anything I should know?

If you are having a coil removed and a new one fitted, this can be done on any day except a day of heavy bleeding.  You should not have sexual intercourse for the seven days before fitting.  This is to ensure there is no sperm in your body that could result in pregnancy, if for some reason it is not possible to fit a new coil after the original one is removed.

When is the best time to remove my coil?

The coil can be removed at any time. If you are not getting a replacement coil and you don’t want to get pregnancy, you must use another method of contraception, such as condoms, for 7 days before you have the coil removed. This is to stop the sperm getting into your body. As soon as coil is taken out, your normal fertility should return.

How do I check my coil is in place?

After fitting the coil the doctor will show you how to feel for the threads - they lie at your cervix. They do not hang outside like tampon strings and your partner should not feel them.

How often should my coil be checked?

You should aim to check the threads of your coil every month. If you check and cannot feel the threads, you need to see a doctor and assume you could be at risk of pregnancy. Likewise, if your bleeding pattern changes, a thread check is advisable to ensure the coil is in the right place.

What if the doctor cannot see the strings of my coil, can I still have it removed?

Sometimes the strings are not visible when the doctor examines your cervix.. The coil removal will then be attempted using aanother device called a coil string retriever or another decie that is inserted into the womb.

In a small number of cases where the coil strings are not visible, the other methods tto remove it maybe unsuccessful, this can be because the coil is nolonger in your womb or the procedure maybe be too painful to continue. If we cannot remvoe the coil an appointment fee only of £130 will be charged and we will make a referral to gynaecology. The gynaecologist may need to carry out an ultrasound examination to locate the coil within the womb and then they will use another method for retrieval.

Is there anything I should avoid after my coil is fitted?

You may experience period pains in the few hours afterwards so you may wish to avoid making plans, especially exercise, in case you don’t feel up to it. If these pains do not improve or are severe please seek medical attention.

You should also seek medical attention if you experience smelly discharge and pain in the first 3 weeks after fitting as there is a small risk of infection immediately after fitting.

When can I have sex after my coil is fitted?

Immediately after your coil is fitted you should avoid sex for 7 days.  This advice is not linked to any contraceptive advice but is merely for comfort and to reduce infection.

Can I still use tampons after my coil is fitted?

It is advisable to avoid tampons for 7 days following your coil fitting.  After this time, it is safe to continue using tampons.

Read our Blog for ideas to help stay healthy