contraceptive Implant removal Belfast
Removal of the contraceptive implant is performed in our city centre clinic in Belfast.
Women visit us from all over Northern Ireland for this procedure.
The removal of the implant is needed usually because
the person wishes to become pregnant,
the implant has run out of the contraceptive medicine or
of side effects such as bloating and low mood
Our service is provided by Dr Marjorie Quinlan who has a specialist interest in Women’s health and also by Dr Graham.
We have created a relaxing environment within our medical clinic in which to have your implant removed. Our clinic room is bright and airy and we have soft music playing during the procedures.
You are welcome to bring someone with you for support if needed.
Implant Removal appointment
We can remove your contraceptive implant On Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays without a prior assessment.
This procedure usually takes 30 minutes.
Our doctor will go over the details of the procedure with you, explaining the freezing of the skin, removal process, small risk of bruising/bleeding/pain after removal.
See below for full details.
You can book directly for the removal procedure without a consultation before.
Price £180
Dr Marjoire Quinlan
Marj has over 23 years as a doctor and many years working in women’s health fitting and removing both coils and implants.
She is efficient and skilled at her job and brings a calm demeanour to the clinic
How is a contraceptive implant removed?
Most implants are placed under the upper arm where there is usually some fatty tissue.
The doctor will examine your arm and feel for the implant. She will then push the contraceptive implant towards the surface of the skin and mark the skin with an X where the end of the implant is visible. This mark may be in a different area than the scar you have from insertion of your implant.
The skin will be cleaned with iodine solution to ensure it is sterile. Next a small area is injected with freezing liquid to ensure the procedure is not painful.
After five minutes the doctor will test that your skin is numb and if so, she will make a small cut in the skin approximately half cm wide with a sharp scalpel. The doctor will then push the contraceptive implant up towards the skin until it’s tip is seen. Then the doctor will prize the implant gently away from the attached tissue until it pops out.
Once the implant is removed the skin is then closed over with some paper strips and a dressing. If a larger cut is needed to locate the implant suture /stitches may be needed to close the skin cleanly.
Further FAQ about removal of contraceptive implants
What is the contraceptive implant?
The contraceptive implant is a thin, flexible rod about 4cm long. It's inserted under the skin of your upper arm.The implant stops the release of an egg from the ovary by slowly releasing progestogen into your body. Progestogen also thickens the cervical mucus and thins the womb lining. This makes it harder for sperm to move through your cervix, and less likely for your womb to accept a fertilised egg.
If implanted correctly, it's more than 99% effective.
Is it sore?
No, the doctor will ensure the freezing liquid ( local anaesthetic) has worked by testing the skin above the implant before making a cut).
Will My Period Return Immediately?
This depends on how long you have had the implant in place for. Some women start bleeding within the next 4 weeks some take longer.
When Will I Ovulate Again And Can This Happen Before I Have A Period?
Generally you will not ovulate again until 2 weeks after your first bleed/period but it can vary if your cycle is irregular or if you have polycystic ovaries.
What if the doctor cannot feel my implant under the skin, can I still have it removed?
Sometimes the implant can be embedded in the skin and the doctor will have to spend more time dissecting the fibrous tissue around the implant so that it can come out easily. In rare cases it can be very difficult to remove the implant even though it was felt from the outside. If the tip of the implant cannot be felt, the doctor will recommend having an ultrasound to locate the implant and then have it removed. This is disappointing when someone needs it removed due to side-effects, but is essential. Referral usually happens in a specialist family planning clinic. You will be refunded for the appointment with us in this case.
If the doctor can just feel the implant but it is deep below the adipose tissue, the doctor will discuss removal in the clinic.This can be done but you will have a larger scar to allow access to the implant if it is sitting deep below the skin. You will also need to have stitches put in place and therefore have to come back to have them removed.