Posts tagged stressmanagement
IBS video interview with Dr Siobhan Graham

In this Doctor’s video blog, Susan Hughes interviews Dr Siobhan about Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Siobhan talks about the difference between IBS and inflammatory bowel disease. She describes various symptoms, diagnosing IBS and how to manage it. She refers to and explains the FODMAP diet.

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In this blog I want to look at probiotics focussing on natural probiotics and a few of the foods you can buy or make yourself. I have taken recipes from BBCgoodfood.

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INTERVIEW: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Transcription of an interview with Dr Siobhan Graham about Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

In this blog I outline some of the many causes and treatments of erectile dysfunction. I will lay out what happens in Vitalis if you book an appointment for this issue.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In Vitalis Health I see many people suffering from some form of IBS. In this blog I will look at the classic symptoms of IBS and look at some of the ways it can be managed and prevented.

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Smoking Cessation Part 3

Interview transcription with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fagan about smoking cessation.

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Smoking Cessation Part 2

In a series of 3 blogs you will find transcriptions and a video of an engaging and fascinating interview with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fegan about her experience as a smoking cessation advisor.

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Smoking Cessation Part 1

In Vitalis we are lucky to have a very experienced clinician Tina Fagan who worked as a smoking cessation advisor for many years. This blog gives some background detail on smoking cessation, what it is and how it works.

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